10.9 Vehicle Wishlist

* Users can add, track and report on vehicles that customers have added to their Wishlist. This allows the dealer to track vehicle trends as well as have a better idea of what to look for when going to auction. This will also allow them to potentially increase their turnover time for trade vehicles.


The ability to create Wishlist items will only be available to Dealers who have it enabled. This can be found in the Sales Control File under Vehicle Defaults.

*System > Maintenance > Sales Control File > Vehicle Defaults

Adding a Wishlist Item

Within a contact file, users can select the create button in the top right corner and in the list of actions will be the option to create a vehicle Wishlist. From the Vehicle Wishlist view, users can add items that match the customers desired criteria.

Users will also be able to view any items that have previously been marked as inactive. As well, users can set a year range, select a make and model, set the exterior color, set a max price/odometer and add any necessary notes.

* Create F6 > Vehicle Wishlist > Add

The item is defaulted to expire within 90 days of its creation date, but users can manually override this as needed. When a contact has an active Wishlist item, it will show within the contacts history. The user is also able to create workplan items the same as they would for contact, deal and other areas of the software.

Wishlist Notifications

When a vehicle is arrived into inventory, either through a deal or by adding a vehicle, there will be a green icon to notify the user that a contact has a wish list item that matches the criteria of the vehicle file. The green icon will show beside the vehicle stock number on the arrival screen as well as in the vehicle file.

The user will also get the green notification when opening a vehicle file that has a matching Wishlist item. If a matching trade is added to a deal the icon will show beside the trade information.

When hovering over the icon, there will be a tool tip to inform which contact the match is for. If there are multiple matches, the user can then click on the icon and a list of contacts will open for them to review. The user can then select a contact and will be brought to their vehicle Wishlist view.

Wishlist Reporting

Users can report on their outstanding, inactive, and matching Wishlist items. There are two reports the user can run; both are located under deal reports.

* Sales > Deal > Reports

When printing the Wishlist report, users can set the criteria to look for potential matches based on the vehicle status as well as whether there is a matching vehicle or not.

If printing the report for matching vehicles, there is a description of the item criteria, the contact name and code, then the list of matching vehicles below.

Each vehicle receives a score that reflects how closely the vehicle matches to what was asked for.

When the report is set to not have an inventory match, it will simply list the contacts name, code and requested criteria.

When printing the Wishlist History report, users can set a date range and sort the report either by vehicle or contact name.

This report will show all Wishlist items created within the date range set, a description of what was asked for, and whether the item is in active status or not.